Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hunger Games Cast... No Lust factor for me!

Thank heavens for the Hunger Game books which I am in complete love with. I love Peeta he is my perfect novel man! Have have you seen the cast for the movie? I think she will be fine if she can act. BUT (and that’s a big butt that cannot lie!!!) they picked the little boy from bridge to terabithia not a fan. They picked Miley Cyrus (yuck I can’t even believe I put her dirty mug on my blog) old fling for Gale not that I care about that I was hoping he got caped off in the end any way. But still. It’s like picking shark boy for a werewolf who does that? My friend KaReena sent me these pictures to help with the blow of disappointment and it helped a little. We will just have to see and I guess I still secretly can’t wait to see it. Twilight was awful and I still saw that 17 times in the theater sooo… See you on the big screen Peeta my love.

Blood and No need for a first aid kit!

Well I need to let you down easy! I found out some disappointing news yesterday. I have always been curious about the meaning in the scriptures where it says you will rise from the grave. I asked the bishop in a question and answer relief society if that was a literal statement and he answered with a why yes it is. He went into it a little more than that but my question was answered. Anyone who knows me knows I am a packer. I am a girl scout through and through. I always like to be prepared. Prepared for me and anyone who may have not be able to get there oil in time. As a side note I have really never liked the parable of the 10 virgins. It just never seemed very Christ like to me. Rude in fact! Those who had their oil probably had enough to share but didn’t. It’s like food storage and anything else in this life, we are asked to share and help one another. I understand the story and the principle behind it but just imagine if they would have helped the procrastinators and stretched the oil out a little, lives could have been blessed. Anyway I have had my will printed out and signed for some time now. I know what I want to go down at my funeral and just who exactly will carry my casket. All women and no I am not a bra burning man hater just the opposite I think all women should wear bras and I am in complete gratitude for the male race I quite enjoy them;). Anyway I have always wanted my casket fully loaded. After all you just have no idea what conditions you will be rising from. I want church shoes and hiking boots and pass-along cards and I WANTED a first aid kit among a plethora of other items sure to be needed. Now I have never been a preacher or teacher and don’t really enjoy verbally expressing my feeling to strangers BUT I am a hard worker. I was planning on being on the first aid comity cleanup crew or whatever manual work is needed. BUT a friend read and quite literally dashed my hopes of that plan. In the Bible Dictionary under resurrection it says the following: Resurrection. The resurrection consists in the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided. The resurrection shall come to all, because of Christ’s victory over death. Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected on this earth (Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:23; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5; cf. Matt. 27:52–54). Others had been brought back from death, but were restored to mortality (Mark 5:22–43; Luke 7:11–17; John 11:1–45), whereas a resurrection means to become immortal, without blood, yet with a body of flesh and bone. (Close quote haha I have always wanted to say that).
So my friends and future friends that I might have patched up, you no longer will need my Band-Aids because you have no blood!! But please stop by my casket for all you other recently risen needs because unlike my fellow sisters I will share my oil :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

This doesn’t mean that I like you!!

Dear Barack Obama,
Remember when your biggest campaign was to pull our men out of the war! Eat this Obama. I give you no credit for this I still think and wish we could impeach you tomorrow. I think it is funny how you are trying to take credit for this! Ha what a joke. Through my direction I sent the men. When I knew we had enough evidence I sent them. That’s a lot of I,I,I,I,I’s buddy. This will hopefully not help your campaign at all!! I hope people can continue to see what I have seen even before you were elected.
Not a fan! Ashley
P.s I still have a strong dislike for you when after you promised no white tax and you taxed us white girls anyway!! Do you know any other race who goes tanning? That’s right you don’t!! You say you did it to encourage us to be healthier? Oh but wait you smoke right tax that you butthead!

Thank you to the Men and Women who have and continue to give your lives to serve our country! We owe this great victory to you!
The world will be a better place without bin laden. Thank you!


So I heard this incredible joke, I told my family and they all peed a little when I told it. When I told my mom I was going to post it on my blog I got an Ashley Anne! (I secretly love the shock factor that earns me an Ashley Anne!) Ok it here we go…
There was this old lady and she was really sick and ready to die. She called her doctor and said she was going to shoot herself. She asked her doctor where her heart was because she didn’t want to mess this up and just injure herself. Her Doctor told her that she should shoot herself right above her left nipple. A few days later the doctor got called in for an emergency knee surgery. When the Doctor went in for the knee surgery it was the little old lady. He said what happened? She said… You told me to shoot myself above my left nipple!!!!!
Just fyi I hate the word nipple so I almost didn’t want to tell this joke out loud out but it is one that has to be told :)

I know you’re here Poppet!

Wow Sunday is my day to blog! I had a great weekend. I got to play with my niece Reagan on Friday! I love her so much. When she was just tiny the Movie Pirates of the Caribbean came out. She was crying one day and I used the line Hello Poppet to make her smile! I have called her my Poppet ever since. When Reagan started talking she started calling me poppet too, we are the Poppet’s. We like to have girl parties that now consist of going shopping and to Kiwi Loco! She loves it there, me too! When my other family asks if they can come she’ll say no just the Poppet’s! I watched her Thursday and we went shopping to Wal-Mart. I told her she could get a treat. It went down kind of like this…
Reagan-I would really like a toy!
Me-Ok you can get one that is on the dollar shelf.
Reagan- Well I really want one of these (3 dollars) and Kenzie (her cousin) has one and sometimes she lets me play with it ( then sad face) but I would really like my own.
Me-Well if Kenzie has one my niece will have one put it in the cart!!
Have I mentioned I am a huge sucker for her! It’s true I have it tattooed on my forehead just shine a black light on my head to see it! So Friday I watch her again and we go to Kiwi Loco super yummy right! Then because I live at Wal-Mart I stopped by with her again. On the way she say’s…
Reagan- Can I get a toy?
Me- Not tonight.
Reagan- Yeah my mom says I can’t. Well just ignore me if I ask :) (super cute right!)
I saw the Justin Bieber shirts on sale and them not having one in my size I get to live my youth again vicariously through her!!
Me- Do you like Justin Bieber?
Reagan- No not really.
Me- Oh I was going to buy you a JB shirt.
Reagan- I think I changed my mind I do like him, he’s cute. And well my mom says I can’t get a toy but this isn’t a toy!! She loved her Jb shirt so much she insisted on changing in the car on the way home.
Love Her!!!

My Two Favorite Sounds of Sunday Songs!

Every Member a Missionary!

Testimony Meeting Sunday’s

As much as I dislike dressing up like a girl for church…I love it! I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints and have been in 4th ward my whole life! I feel extremely blessed to have always had the knowledge that my father in heaven loves me so much he sent his son to die for me. That if I follow his simple commandments I can return to him. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and as much as I fail and sin he still loves me and has provided the ultimate gift to returning to him and my father in heaven! Today was fast and testimony meeting, anyone who has been to our ward knows it can get a little sketchy sometimes. I get a good laugh watching the bishopric squirm a little up on the stand :) Today we had our usual people go up. We also had a few visitors today. I haven’t served a mission yet but I plan to someday. I love converts there is nothing that makes you feel so proud than to see a new member bear their testimony! We had a man convert bear his testimony today, he had it written down and was shaking worse than my dad which is a hard thing to do :) I loved every minute of it. I felt the spirit so strong and it was a true reminder of why I choose to live my life the way I do. We also had a convert from Australia bear his and he was so funny and scary and awesome! I am proud to be a member of the church. If a convert has the courage to bear their testimony I don’t know why it is so hard for me to stand but I know my Heavenly father loves me. I know Heavenly Father had a plan and Jesus Christ was chosen to fulfill that plan. Jesus Christ our brother loves us so much he suffered for our sins and died for us on the cross. I know that he rose from the grave three days later and we can live with him again if we accept his sacrifice in our lives. Joseph Smith was a prophet he translated the scriptures and I love him and know that he lived and sacrificed so much for us. The scriptures are true I have read them and prayed to know if they are true. They are!! (Moroni 10:3–5 Try it out) I know we have a living prophet on this earth today. He is simply the cutest man. He is so full of love for the saints and we are greatly blessed in our church to have him. I love him and know that the Lord speaks through him. I love the Temple and the scared convents we make there. I know I sometimes feel like a broken record but I can’t wait to kneel across the alter to the man who will make those eternal convents with me. I love missionaries and missionary work. I am a member because two young men chose to give two years to the Lord and serve a mission to teach my mom. It truly is a ripple effect and can change many lives. I am 100% not perfect and make mistakes constantly but I will continue to try to be the Daughter my Heavenly Father wants me to be.